Saturday, July 11, 2009

Homeschool Planning

This morning I wrote a blog post at my main blog, Margaret Mary Myers, about our homeschooling plans for the coming year. You are welcome to read clicking on the link below this post.

Before you rush over to read it, I need to let you know that my son Peter is only legally blind and does do a lot of visual learning: using ZoomText (computer magnification), CCTV (video magnifier), and t.v. and movies. He uses a lot of different learning modes, knows Braille (if slowly), and scored high on auditory comprehension. But if we were pushed into a corner to say what his primary reading medium would be, we would have to say "print".

With all this in mind, if you are interested, you are most welcome to read about our plans for the coming year. :)

P.S. If you are receiving this as an email, you can read this post in a blog format, or read past posts, at: