Friday, July 20, 2007

Harry Potter in Braille

Did you know that National Braille Press has made the 7th Harry Potter book available in Braille at the same time that the print book becomes available? An article about this popped up on my Yahoo features this morning at:

This is the address for National Braille Press:

P.S. If you are receiving this message as an email, you can read this post and others in a blog format at the following blog link. If you are reading at the blog, and would like to know when new posts appear, you can join the e-newsletter "group" through the second link:

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Test Post #2

Please bear with me (for those who have this coming into your inbox). A link grabbed the "If" following it and wouldn't link, so I'm trying again. I promise I won't do any more testing today, regardless of the results.

P.S. If you are receiving this as an email, you can read this post in a blog format, or read past posts, at:
If you are reading this at the blog, and would like to receive it as an email so you know when something new is posted, sign up at:

Test Post

Test Post. Please pardon the inconvenience.

P.S. If you are receiving this as an email, you can read the post in a blog format, or read past posts, at
If you are reading this at the blog, and would like to receive it as an email so you know when something new is posted, you can sign up at:

Editor's Note

I'm chagrined that when a post goes out through the VIP Homeschooler Yahoo group to your inbox, all the formatting is lost. There go any paragraphs or lists. I also need to find a way that you can easily go from that email message to the actual blog, if you would like to read the post there (it looks much nice there than in an email. smile). Actually, after getting out my magnifying glass (just kidding), I found out that my little addition to include that information did work, but it's in tiny print after everything else. I am going to try to find a better way. Not sure how well this will work, though. (smile).

So...when I get time to do a bit of experimenting with this, please "pardon my dust". And thanks for your patience!

By the way, for those who don't know, when I say "VIP Homeschooler Yahoo group", that is a "group" used solely for the purpose of sending these posts out like a newsletter. However, if you'd like to participate more actively, you are most welcome to post comments at the blog. As a matter of fact, I would love it if you'd like to share.

If you want to have the blog posts sent to your inbox, so that you know when there is a new post, you can send a blank email to:
Or you can sign up at the group webpage:

For those who are receiving this post into your inbox, here is the web address for the blog itself:

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

High School Credits

When you plan your child's home high school curriculum, you will want to know what courses are required.

If you are preparing a high school program that is not college-preparatory, you will want to find out what's required in your particular state...unless you are using a correspondence course that issues a diploma, and then, of course, you can follow their program.

Here's a somewhat typical high school curriculum:
English - 4 units
Social Sciences - 3 units
Math - 3 units (may include bookkeeping, accounting, consumer math, as well as Algebra or Geometry courses)
Science - 3 units
P.E. and health - 1 unit
Electives to bring the total to 21 or 22 units

Hadley School for the Blind does issue a diploma, and their program requires the following credits for graduation:
English - 3 units
Science - 2 1/2 units
Math - 1 1/2 units
Social Studies - 2 units
Electives - 7 units
Total of 16 units

The Hadley high school program, as you can see, if not college preparatory, but it might be a viable option for someone who struggles academically and just wants a diploma, for example for students with some types of multiple disabilities.

If there is any possibility that your child may pursue a college education, check into the specific colleges that are in your local area, or that your child may be interested in, to find out what credits are required.

Here is a somewhat typical example of a college preparatory program for high school:
English - 4 units
Social Sciences - 3 units (of which one must be American history)
Math - 3 units (must include Algebra 1, Algebra 2, and Geometry)
Science - 3 units (of which one or two must include lab work)
Foreign Language - 2 units
Electives to bring the total to 21 or 22 units

Some of the requirements vary from one college to another; for example, some colleges require two years of foreign language...but some smaller colleges do not. Some require a year of performing arts or art appreciation of some type. Also, if your child is planning on a math or science major, an additional, more advanced math course may be required, such as trigonometry or calculus.